
Loop Energy invites Expressions of Interest for Strategic Partners to Complete Commercial Trials of the use of its eFlow Technology in

PEM Electrolyzers

Loop Energy is now inviting expressions of interest for strategic partners to complete commercial trials of the use of its patented eFlow technology in PEM electrolyzers. The call for strategic partners follows the March 6th announcement that Loop Energy completed third-party validation testing with Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE in partnership with Fraunhofer USA. The results demonstrated eFlow’s trapezoid flow field design can increase green hydrogen production.

Loop Energy and Fraunhofer ISE are now inviting expressions of interest from strategic partners. Interested parties will partner with the two companies to design and manufacture an electrolyzer prototype to verify eFlow’s benefits for producing green hydrogen commercially.

Expressions of interest can be submitted using the form below or by contacting Loop Energy Chief Commercial Officer, George Rubin.

Higher Efficiency for Hydrogen Production

Results show that eFlow architecture creates a more stable and uniform operating environment in the PEM water electrolysis test cells compared to conventional flow fields with parallel channels, resulting in greater hydrogen production and improved efficiency. Testing also shows the enhanced uniform operating environment should have a beneficial impact on durability.

Learn More

Loop Energy President & CEO, Ben Nyland, along with Fraunhofer ISE’s Dr. Tom Smolinka and Loop Energy Chief Scientist, Dr. Sean Mackinnon, will present the results at Hannover Messe on April 17.

Please coordinate with Ethan Hugh to request a meeting at the event.


For further information or if you have any questions, please contact:

Ethan Hugh
Marketing Director

Submit your Expression of Interest to be a Strategic Partner!

    Electrolyzer Experience*

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